You may remember this family from the blog with the pups. Well baby boy is here and the Murphy’s were kind enough to welcome me into their home in Wildwood Crest, NJ for this newborn session. Your home is where your stories are told and contain all the unique features that make you, you. At home we can capture everyone exactly as they are, where they are most comfortable. Plus we can include your furbabies!

How handsome is baby Hudson, just look at those adorable cheeks! Hudson was a dream to photograph. He was so relaxed and content, did a little napping as well as wanted to check out what was going on. Mom and Dad were so in love with their newest addition, just taking in the moment as I had them snuggled together staring at their baby.

We headed to Hudson’s room next to spend a little time with Dad. I like to give each parent one on one time to capture their interactions and emotions. The days that follow bringing home a baby can get hectic quick. We all know the saying, “Sleep when the baby sleeps,” but let’s be real, how often do we do that? We forget to give ourselves some grace and instead we overwhelm ourselves with the things that need to be done like the laundry or the dishes. This is why an in home newborn photo session is a perfect option. These sessions actually give you a break, a moment to take it all in, to be still with each other, to bond with your baby, your partner, your family. I always tell my clients, I don’t care about the pile of laundry, the rug that needs to vacuumed, the dishes that need to be washed or put away, my home has those things too! What I do care about is giving you time with your family and photos of your baby before they aren’t so tiny anymore, and I assure you, those days move fast!

Next was Mom’s turn. Regina changed into a blue rain Miriam gown by Sew Trendy Accessories from my client closet. To see her in this new role as a mom was so incredibly beautiful and getting to document this family several times now has been such an honor. It’s always so cool to get to follow my clients through different parts of their lives.

The little details and in between moments are my favorite because they are the images that really bring you back, that give you the warm and fuzzy feelings. They are only tiny for so long.