Meghan and I met in Cape May, NJ through the Coast Guard, where both of our husband’s serve. Upon meeting, I learned of Meghan’s pregnancy journey, which hasn’t been an easy one. An estimated 15% of couples experience infertility and Meghan and Rich happen to be one of millions going through it. We kept in touch over the years and in 2020 Meghan shared the best news. After 4 IUI treatments, 6 IVF egg retrievals with failed embryo transfers, 1 frozen embryo transfer resulting in a chemical pregnancy, 2 natural conception miscarriages, 1 amazing woman starting the process to donate her eggs only to find out she was not medically able to and 1 anonymous egg donor, Meghan and Rich were expecting!

As soon as they were able to find out the gender we headed to Higbee Beach, in Cape May, NJ for what would be one of many photo sessions to document this journey. Now, I have done quite a few gender reveal photo sessions before but this one was different, Meghan and Rich didn’t even know what the gender was! This was a first for me. On a three way call with their nurse, Meghan stepped away from the phone and the nurse told ME what they were having. What an honor it was to be trusted with this information and oh my gosh was it hard keeping it to myself! But I wouldn’t have to for long. During our session Meghan brought two different colored smoke bombs that she had covered in white paper and wrote “boy” and “girl” on the bottom so I could choose the correct one and they wouldn’t know until they popped them. Rich’s guess was that baby was a girl and Meghan guessed a boy. The suspense was unreal, my heart was pounding! I handed them a popper, got set up, we counted down 3…2…1…

IT’S A GIRL! The excitement and the love in their eyes had me tearing up behind my camera. This little one is already so loved and we all can’t wait to meet her.

A few months later we started planning for Meghan’s maternity session. After looking through my maternity client closet, Meghan really loved the idea of a flowy skirt. She wanted a purple skirt, which I did not have, so we rented one from Mama Bump Rentals. Meghan paired the skirt with a black lace top and a purple flower crown to match, both from my client closet and looked absolutely stunning. Sticking with a beach theme, this time we headed to Cape May Point. I love Cape May Point because it is quiet and has a lot to offer, plus the sun sets right over the ocean there.

The sky certainly did not disappoint that night. One of my very favorite things to do with skirts is to have clients sway and move them. Remember the days when you were little and you played dress up and twirled your dress, didn’t you feel like a beautiful princess?! Those days do not have to end just because you aren’t a child anymore, you are never to old to dress up and twirl that dress!

I loved the way Rich stared at his beautiful pregnant wife. His eyes beamed with love and pride. He made sure she remained comfortable and confident, always reminding of her how gorgeous she is. They were smitten with one another and with this little baby girl growing inside. They have truly cherished every single moment of this pregnancy.

And now what you’ve all been waiting for! Introducing, Malina Leona! Baby girl made her grand entrance in May.

I offer newborn photo shoots in the comfort of your own home. I always feel lucky and honored to be invited into people’s homes, their private lives, the place where their stories are told. I didn’t have to travel too far for Malina’s newborn session since we both live in Cape May. When I arrived, mom was feeding and rocking Malina in her nursery. Maya, their pup, was sitting on the floor in front of Meghan keeping a watchful eye on her new human sibling. As Meghan finished feeding Malina, I snapped a few pictures of her nursing at mom’s request and then we began with some family photos in mom and dad’s bedroom. These are always my favorite moments, mom and dad getting to take a break in their busy day to just sit, snuggle and take in the moment. They oogle over their precious new baby and they oogle over each other, it’s almost as if I capture them falling deeper in love with their child and each other, there’s nothing quite like it, it’s absolutely magical. Emotions are flowing, it’s pure, it’s raw. These moments never get old.

During newborn photo sessions, mom and dad each get their own special one on one time with baby. I let whatever comes naturally happen. Lot’s of taking it all in, kisses on the nose, caressing their little cheeks, holding their entire little foot in your hand and snuggling close. Dad was always sure that Malina was photo ready by brushing her hair and making sure her bow was on just right, it was so sweet.

During an in home newborn session, you are able to capture the little details that tell your story. What the nursery looked like, snuggles with your pets, just how little baby was laying in their crib or in the middle of mom and dad’s bed. Speaking of how little they were, we can’t forget about their tiny fingers and toes, those little baby rolls. These things are so important to capture because time is a thief, they grow in the blink of an eye.

Meghan and Rich’s strength, positivity and love for one another through their journey has been inspirational. Watching them become parents together has been amazing and always gets me choked up just thinking about it. I am so lucky to have watched their story unfold over the years and continue to do so. Malina is so unbelievably loved and it has been an honor to have been there since the beginning and continue to watch her grow. Stay tuned for Malina’s 1st birthday session!